Ajax Scroller - Joomla News Slider
Scroll 4 Matteo Spinellis Cubiq. Scroll finally received a complete rewrite. Ajax Scroller Joomla News Slider PluginNow its smoother than ever and adds some new important features pinchzoom, pull down to refresh, snap to elements and more custom events for a higher level of hackability. Project info. Last code update 2. Device compatibility i. PhoneIpod touch 3. Pad 3. 2, Android 1. Desktop Webkit, Firefox, Opera desktopmobile. Discussion group. QR Code opens demo page. Support development. If this script saved your day and you wish to support future developments you may consider sending some funds via Pay. Pal or Flattr. Overviewi. Scroll 4 is a complete rewrite of the original i. Scroll code. The script development began because mobile webkit on i. Phone, i. Pad, Android does not provide a native way to scroll content inside a fixed widthheight element. This unfortunate situation prevents any web app to have a position absolute header andor footer and a scrolling central area for contents. While latest Android revisions are supporting this functionality although support is not optimal, Apple seems reluctant to add one finger scrolling to divs. In addition to all previous i. Scroll features, version 4 introduces Pinch Zoom. Ajax Scroller - Joomla News Sliders' title='Ajax Scroller - Joomla News Sliders' />Pull updown to refresh. Improved speed and momentum. Snap to element. Customizable scrollbars. Please note that i. Scroll 4 is not a drop in replacement for i. Lyberty. coms weeklymonthly splash page. Yes, a splash page is old fashioned, but its been a tradition here since 1999. Fully customizable flipping countdown, you can enabledisable the days, hours, minutes and seconds and put them in any order you like, you can customize the overall. Gigabyte Xpress Install Windows 10. Scroll 3. The APIs have changed. Also consider that the script is still in beta, and some APIs may slightly change. Getting startedSimple example. In the archive youll find plenty of examples to get you started. Before asking for help, please, look at the demos and read through all this document. I know its boring, but it holds all the secrets of the i. Scroll Ninja. i. Scroll needs to be initialized for each scrolling area you need. Theres no limit to the number of i. Scrolls you can have on any single page, if not that imposed by the device memorycpu. The type and length of the contents influence the number of i. Scrolls you can use simultaneously. Try to keep the DOM structure as simple as possible, remove all the unnecessary tags and avoid too many nested elements. The optimal i. Scroll structure is. In this example the UL element will be scrolled. The i. Scroll must be applied to the wrapper of the scrolling area. Important only the first child of the wrapper element will be scrolled. Y-KL3U/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Ajax Scroller - Joomla News Slider' title='Ajax Scroller - Joomla News Slider' />. If you need more elements inside the scroller you may use the following structure. In this example the scroller element will be scrolled together with the two ULs. Scroll be must instantiated ie called for the first time when the DOM is ready. You have mainly four options on. DOMContent. Loaded eventon. Free Download Crack Of Battlefield 2 there. Load eventinline, place the code below the html bit you want to scrollon. DOMContent. Loaded. If you have only text and all images have fixed dimensions ie explicit widthheight you may use the DOMContent. Loaded event. In the document HEAD add. Scroll new i. Scrollwrapper. Event. ListenerDOMContent. Loaded, loaded, false. Note that the my. Scroll variable is global, so that you can access all the scroller functions from anywhere. Load. Sometimes the DOMContent. Loaded is a bit hasty and get fired when the contents are not ready. If you slip into some weird behaviors eg rubber band effect, try the following. Timeoutfunction. Scroll new i. Scrollwrapper. Event. Listenerload, loaded, false. In this case i. Scroll is started only 1. This is probably the safest way to call the i. Scroll. Inline initialization. With this method the i. Scroll is instantiated as soon as the wrapper and its contents are written to the page. I wouldnt suggest this approach, but I see many javascript gurus using it so who am I to disagree First of all include the iscroll. HEAD and then create the i. Scroll object just below the scroller. Scroll new i. Scrollwrapper. Alternatively you may use your preferred framework ready function eg jquery ready. Passing parameters to the i. Scrolli. Scroll behavior can be customized with the optional second parameter. Eg. lt script typetextjavascript. Scroll new i. Scrollwrapper, h. Scrollbar false, v. Scrollbar false. The second parameter is always an object. In the example above the scroller wont show the scrollbars. The most common options you will use are h. Scroll, used to disable the horizontal scrolling no matter what. By default you can pan both horizontally and vertically, by setting this parameter to false you may prevent horizontal scroll even if contents exceed the wrapper. Scroll, same as above for vertical scroll. Scrollbar, set this to false to prevent the horizontal scrollbar to appear. Scrollbar, same as above for vertical scrollbar. Scrollbar, on i. OS the scrollbar shrinks when you drag over the scroller boundaries. Setting this to true prevents the scrollbar to move outside the visible area as per Android. Default true on Android, false on i. OS. fade. Scrollbar, set to false to have the scrollbars just disappear without the fade effect. Scrollbar, the scrollbars fade away when theres no user interaction. You may want to have them always visible. Default true. bounce, enabledisable bouncing outside of the boundaries. Default true. momentum, enabledisable inertia. Default true. Useful if you want to save resources. Direction, when you start dragging on one axis the other is locked and you can keep dragging only in two directions updown or leftright. You may remove the direction locking by setting this parameter to false. Tips to preserve resources try to remove the scrollbars hv. Scrollbar option. Pull to refreshPull to refresh demo. This feature has become famous thanks to the Twitter app and many other native applications on the Apple Store. You can watch a preview in this screencast. Ive recently removed the pull to refresh from the script core and replicated the same functionality as an external plugin. Please have a look at the included example to get an idea of how it works. All you have to do is to customize the pull. Down. Action function. Youll probably need an ajax call that loads new contents, remember to call the refresh method once the new data is attached to the DOM. Also please note that the example adds a 1 second delay to simulate network congestion. Of course you dont want it in production, so remember to remove the set. Timeout. Pinch ZoomZoom example. Lets face it scrolling is boring. Thats why i. Scroll 4 lets you also zoom in and out. By setting the zoom option to true the scroller reacts to pinchzoom gestures. Believe your eyes if you dont believe me. Double tap to zoom inout is also supported. The minimum setup to activate zooming is var my. Scroll new i. Scrollwrapper, zoom true. You may further customize the zoom behavior with the following option zoom. Max, this is the maximum allowed scale. Defaulted to 4, it means 4 times the original size. Tip to have good looking zoomed images place them into the hardware compositing layer. Or to speak in plain English apply webkit transform translate. Important hardware acceleration takes a lot of resources, use it sparingly or your app will just crash. Dont say I didnt warn you. Snap and snap to elementCarousel demo. The snap feature locks the scroller to predefined positions. This can be used to create fancy carousels. By default i. Scroll subdivides the scroller into quadrants or pages of the same size of the wrapper.