Gate Keepers Anime Site
Gate Keepers manga Anime News Network. Have you read this Alternative title Japanese KoreanObjectionable content Mild. Plot Summary After attacked by an alien, saved by a girl, and discovers he has extraordinary powers, Shun Ukiya has had a hell of first day of school. Realizing what this new power is all about soon becomes one of the less important things that threaten Earth. PF4870_5911280312.jpg' alt='Gate Keepers Anime Site' title='Gate Keepers Anime Site' />User Ratings 2. Excellent 2 votes Eng 1, dub 1 Very good 7 votes dub 3, Eng 2, sub 2 Good 4 votes dub 2, 1, Eng 1 Decent 4 votes 1, dub 1, sub 1, Eng 1 So so 4 votes sub 2, Eng 2 Not really good 1 vote sub 1Seen in part or in whole by 1. Median rating Good. Casio Scientific Calculator Mac. Arithmetic mean 6. Decent, std. dev. Weighted mean 6. Decent, rank 4. Bayesian estimate 6. Decent, rank 2. Number of pages 2. You can contribute information to this page, but first you must login or register. This encyclopedia is collaboratively edited by the users of this site. A_%2823%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110501064146' alt='Gate Keepers Anime Site' title='Gate Keepers Anime Site' />Download da Msica Kyou Kara Asu e de Gate Keepers e fa. Anime Gate Keepers Nome da M. O site foi criado em 01122005 e nossa proposta Watch Watch Gate Keepers. Gatekeepers anime info and recommendations. Gate Keepers GK. AnimePlanet is a site run by fans, for fans.