Invisible Target
MO4cy2wyO5RMkn9UdDRTCSWO.jpg' alt='Invisible Target' title='Invisible Target' />X Rx Blog Surviving the invisible pandemic. Nothing herein should be construed as medical advice. My muse left on extended vacation when the Lipkin XMRV study and subsequent press conference succeeded in discrediting retroviruses as a possible explanation for MECFS, with lots of important questions still left unanswered. The discussion reverted to whether or not it is a real disease and which set of diagnostic criteria are best, so there hasnt been much to inspire me. It got pretty depressing. The IOM report was a joke The term myalgic encephalomyelitis is not appropriate because there is a lack of evidence for encephalomyelitis brain inflammation in patients with this disease. Fail. I dont know what to make of the Lipkin cytokine paper, because I take with a grain of salt results from a debunker on call for the government. XMRV wasnt the first time Lack of association between measles virus vaccine and autism with enteropathy a case control study. Nothing worth blogging about there. Certainly nothing hopeful. E7%94%B7%E5%84%BF%E6%9C%AC%E8%89%B2500.jpg' alt='Invisible Target' title='Invisible Target' />But recently, the Naviaux study was published and a couple of proposals posted by NIH have been making the rounds on Facebook, so Ive had an uptick in email, some asking what I think about the paper and some telling me about successes with antiretrovirals in Europe, as well as encouragement to blog again. So, feeling very rusty, Im going to give it a go. My reaction to the Naviaux et al paper, Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome, was dismay that the damage is so extensive and widespread. So many broken pathways. There are more than 22,000 homeless children in New York, the highest number since the Great Depression. This is one of their stories. Invisible Target' title='Invisible Target' />Universe Marvel Universe. Real Name Susan Storm Richards Aliases Baroness Von Doom, Stormy Sue, Malice, Mistress of Hate, Susan Benjamin, Invisible Girl, Mrs. Invisible_Target_2007_Dual_Audio_Hindi_BluRay.jpg' alt='Invisible Target' title='Invisible Target' />Finding a specific drug target seems very unlikely. There wont be an answer anytime soon. They, and everyone else, including Lipkin and Hanson, are studying downstream effects, without attempting to identify the root cause. Its a good thing that people are thinking and looking, but hibernation and dauer are not disease states and being compared to larval worms isnt exactly the image change we need. Even if theyre right and a handful of common abnormalities in this very heterogeneous group is accepted as validating real disease, my guess is that the findings will be similar in other diseases, e. GWI, fibromyalgia, ASD, maybe even chronic depression. GWI patients have PEM and often meet criteria for MECFS. As I said five years ago, I think all of these diseases of modern civilization are related and there is a family factor that confers risk to partners and offspring. There are even a few patients who believe themselves to be contagious by casual contact. So what lies in wait to be activated by heterogeneous triggers and once activated causes immune dysfunction, neurological disease and opportunistic infections The most likely explanation lives in the realm between retrovirology and genomics, the difference between the fields being as small as a single mutation. We have been injecting retroviruses and pieces of retroviruses into people for over a century. What are the chances that nothing bad happened from thatXMRV apparently doesnt infect people, but injected into monkeys, it sets up a low level infection. Retroviruses recombine and rescue each other. Environmental toxins activate retroelements HERVs and retrotransposons which can recombine with each other or new incoming retroviral sequences and fully replicative retroviruses from vaccinations, biologics and lab workers. XMRV was created in a lab. The Paprotka paper said the odds of the recombination event that produced XMRV happening twice are infinitesimal. On the other hand, the odds of similar events having happened many times is very high I would think, since there have been so many chances. In the last few years it has been found that many cell lines produce viruses like XMRV which are capable of infecting human cells in tissue culture. Lipkin said in a press conference that 8. Montoyas samples contained retroviral sequences and in the XMRV study, 6 of patients and controls were positive for an antibody to SFFV, a very nasty murine retrovirus, but everybody is choosing to ignore those clues because that well is poisoned. Nobody wants to be the next Judy Mikovits. Lo and Alter both dropped it like a hot potato, returning to other research, never mind the question of how all these labs, Mikovits, Ruscetti, Silverman and LoAlter managed to consistently contaminate the patient samples at a higher rate than the controls. Take a look at this paper Are human endogenous retroviruses triggers of autoimmune diseases Unveiling associations of three diseases and viral loci by Bjrn et al. We speculate the possibility that recombinants or mixed viral particles are formed and that the resulting viruses stimulate the innate immune system, thereby initiating the autoimmune response. They looked at multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and rheumatoid arthritis. It is one of several recent papers heading in this direction. I hypothesized way back when that MECFS is related to MS. Kaplan Toefl Practice Test Pdf. There are case reports of MS improving when patients take antiretrovirals, Multiple sclerosis patient walks after taking HIV drugs, and new cases of MS are rare or nonexistent in patients taking AIDS drugs, HIV and lower risk of multiple sclerosis beginning to unravel a mystery using a record linked database study. Our very own Gerwyn Morris published an excellent paper on the subject of ME and MS being related diseases. Myalgic encephalomyelitischronic fatigue syndrome and encephalomyelitis disseminatamultiple sclerosis show remarkable levels of similarity in phenomenology and neuroimmune characteristics. Id like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Gerwyns extraordinary achievement. If you search Morris Gerwyn on Pub. Med, his name appears as an author on 2. Lots of evidence has been published about the MS retrovirus, MSRV. Viral particles have clearly been detected, but it is less clear if these particles are ever infectious. Uninstall Far Cry Patch'>Uninstall Far Cry Patch. There are several new papers reporting findings similar to this one, Two endogenous retroviral loci appear to contribute to Multiple Sclerosis. Which brings us back to where this blog began. Are retroviruses at the bottom of MECFSMight antiretrovirals be effective for MECFS and other diseases Despite the thorough trashing of retroviruses in our disease and the intense ongoing fear mongering about how dangerous antiretroviral drugs are, apparently people are still trying it in Europe. The experience five years ago, when maybe a hundred people tried various regimens in a completely uncontrolled fashion, was some subjective improvement in about half, and no complete recoveries, except for one notable exception. The exception was a teenager who had only been sick for eight months. Nerf NStrike Elite Precision Target Set Hasbro Nerf Roleplay Test your accuracy with the Nerf NStrike Elite Precision Target Set The set includes. His mother wrote in the comments on this blog. He recovered fully, took the drugs for 6 months, stopped and as far as I know, didnt relapse. I still find it upsetting that the prescribing physician was too cowardly to come forward and write a case report. How many teenagers could have been treated acutely since then There were no injuries that I ever heard of. I was in touch with many of the doctors who were prescribing and there was lots of sharing, doctors and patients together, the only time Ive ever seen that happen. One doctor I knew prescribed for 5. However encouraging the Naviaux paper may be with respect to advancing the case that MECFS is, in fact, a real and dreadful disease, it is discouraging with respect to finding treatment. Star Plus New Dance Program here. A viable drug target seems unlikely.